It is important to plan some aspects of a ConfigurablePanel before starting building it. Here are few points worth considering:
What function will it fulfill? List the type of device properties it will modify, then decide on the corresponding UIProperties (e.g. device on/off pairs with a TwoStateUIProperty).
What will the panel look like? List the components and lay out their organization, as well as which component interacts with which UIProperty.
What aspects of it should be parameterized? Picture which elements should be easily changed by the user (title, colors…etc…) and decide on UIParameters.
ConfigurablePanel methods
A ConfigurablePanel must implements few methods, which are shown empty in the following example:
import de.embl.rieslab.emu.ui.ConfigurablePanel;
public class MyPanel extends ConfigurablePanel {
//////////////////////// Constructor
public MyPanel(String label) {
// Add JComponents here
// (see Swing tutorials online or use drag and drop software)
//////////////////////// UIProperties
protected void initializeProperties() {
// Add the UIProperties here
protected void propertyhasChanged(String propertyName, String newvalue) {
// What happens when the UIProperty propertyName change?
protected void addComponentListeners() {
// Here add the JComponent listeners to react to user interactions
//////////////////////// InternalProperties
protected void initializeInternalProperties() {
// Add the InternalProperties here
public void internalpropertyhasChanged(String propertyName) {
// What happens when the InternalProperty propertyName change?
//////////////////////// UIParameters
protected void initializeParameters() {
// Add the UIParameters here
protected void parameterhasChanged(String parameterName) {
// What happens when the UIParameter parameterName change?
//////////////////////// Others
public String getDescription() {
// Change the description to something informative about the panel
return "Description";
public void shutDown() {
// Here stops running threads created within the panel
All components (JComponents) should be declared and added in the constructor. Then, the methods are called in a particular order:
- super-constructor()
- initializeProperties()
- initializeParameters()
- initializeInternalProperties()
- rest of the constructor() (instantiation of the JComponents)
Finally, upon configuration (at the start-up of EMU):
- propertyhasChanged(…) looped call on all UIProperties
- parameterhasChanged(…) looped call on all UIParameters
- addComponentListeners(…), which allows using the UIParameter’s values
The following sections dive into the different objects declared by a ConfigurablePanel:
In particular, you will find examples on how to implement the different methods of a ConfigurablePanel.
Create the layout of the JComponents
Declare the UIParameters
Implement parameterhasChanged()
Declare the UIProperties
Implement propertyhasChanged()
Screen the SwingUIListeners methods for useful methods
Implement in addSwingListeners() the missing functionalities (not found in SwingUIListeners)