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Guide to EMU, a Micro-Manager plugin to load easily reconfigurable user interfaces.

Programming guide

EMU principle

EMU is based on the Swing library. The main building blocks of EMU are ConfigurablePanels. A ConfigurablePanel extends JPanel (Swing) and declares UIProperties (e.g. laser power percentage), InternalProperty (values shared between panels) and UIParameter (e.g. title color). A ConfigurablePanel should be a unit of control corresponding to a device on the microscope. This can for instance be a laser controller (power, on/off) or a filterwheel (position).

ConfigurablePanels are assembled in a single ConfigurableMainFrame. The latter defines Settings, allowing for instance having optional panels. The ConfigurableMainFrame is instantiated by a UIPlugin implementation, which serves as a plugin for EMU. Plugins are discovered by EMU using the Java ServiceLoader mechanism run in the EMU subfolder of Micro-Manager.

UIproperties, UIParameters and Settings appear in the configuration wizard, the graphical interface enabling the rapid configuration of the plugin by the user. After configuration, the UIProperties are mapped to Micro-Manager device properties. Then, any user interaction with a ConfigurablePanel component triggers a UIProperty that, in turn, changes the state of the device property to which it has been allocated.

EMU is designed to involve minimum heavy lifting and coding in the plugin in order to obtain a functional UI.

Table of content

  1. JComponents
  2. ConfigurablePanel
    1. UIProperty
    2. SwingUIListeners
    3. UIParameter
    4. InternalProperty
  3. ConfigurableMainFrame
    1. Methods to implement
    2. Plugin Settings
  4. UIPlugin
  5. Compiling and debugging

Code example

Note that the guide folder contains examples implementations of the different classes. The tutorial folder is a detailed walk-through of a plugin implementation using a drag and drop software, while the examples folder consist of four example plugins. In particular, you can find in the examples the plugins used in the BMC publication: SimpleUI in the figures and BMC-example for the code snippets.

The Javadoc is available in the EMU repository.

Bug reporting

Please report bugs as Github repository issues.

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