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Guide to EMU, a Micro-Manager plugin to load easily reconfigurable user interfaces.

Using Eclipse

Setting up an EMU project with Eclipse

  1. Right-click on the package explorer and create a new java project.
  2. Name the project and click on next.
  3. In the Source tab, right-click and add successively two new source folders: “src/main/java” and “src/main/resources”. Remove the “src” source folder.
  4. In the Librairies tab, add an external jar and point to the EMU jar in C:/Path/to/Micro-Manager/mmplugins. Click on finish.
  5. Create your packages in the src/main/java folder. Then right click on the relevant package and select new class. Create successively three classes:
    1. A class with a UIPlugin interface.
    2. A class with ConfigurableMainFrame as a superclass
    3. A class with ConfigurablePanel as a superclass
  6. Add the provider-configuration file to the src/main/resources/META-INF/services folder. Add the fully-qualified binary name of your implementation of UIPlugin.
  7. Once you will have replaced all null returns from your classes method and have no errors, export the project as a jar and place it in the EMU folder. Check that EMU can load the plugin.

Then you are ready to start implementing your plugin.

Testing the plugin

After having tested the export to a jar and import in EMU of your base plugin, you can set-up a run configuration in Eclipse to directly start Micro-Manager with your changes included in your plugin without exporting the jar. This would allow you to use the Eclipse debugger and have access to the Java console.

  1. Right-click on your project and select Properties. Then go to Java Build path and in the Librairies tab, add the ij.jar from your Micro-Manager folder (add External jar). Then add all jars from the C:/Path/to/Micro-Manager/plugins/Micro-manager folder. Apply and close.
  2. Right-click on your project and select Run as then Run configurations.
  3. In the configuration window, add a new configuration and name it. Then in Main class, select ImageJ.
  4. In the Arguments tab, select other in working directory and point to the Micro-Manager directory. Apply and then close.
  5. Click on the arrow next to the run button and make sure your run your newly created configuration.

Micro-Manager should start. You can use Micro-Manager demo device adapter to fake the presence of hardware or directly test on your microscope.

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